Importance of Religion in Family Life

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Religion is a basic aspect in any family’s success, providing spiritual support, bonding and even moral guidance to the family members. Children are well brought up if they are under care of a religiously firm family. This foundation does not only help the kids at young age, but also imparts life skills and impressive behavior which manifests in them even when they grow up.

Children in families that participate in religious activities together are more likely to report seeing expressions of love and affection between their parents. Two dimensions of family religious involvement–family participation in religious activities at least once per week and parental prayer more than once per day—were associated with greater expression of love or affection between the parents, as reported by their children.

Parents of families in which both the parents and children attend religious services are more likely to know their children’s social networks.  They are more likely to know their children’s friends, those friends’ parents, and their children’s teachers, than parents of families in which only the parents or only the children, or neither, participated in religious activities.

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As much as religion is important for the spiritual, social and moral development of children, any differences arising between the parents is detrimental to the kids’ upbringing. Parents are the socializing agents and first-hand tutors to the children. Any fault between them is a potential danger to the mentoring of the children and the wellbeing of the family at large, especially if it has anything to do with religion.

Confusion happens when parents are in competition over their religious beliefs.

Parents are socializing agents. They teach their kids, mainly through modeling, how this world works and how to successfully navigate it. Beliefs, including religious beliefs, are a set of values and rules that give kids a sense of certainty and peace. If done well, parents can integrate their religious beliefs into the values they instill in their children. Kids become confused when one parent is dogmatic about their own values.

If both parents are dogmatic in their attitudes and have different, or worse, conflicting beliefs, this can be super confusing for kids. Conflict over religious beliefs, or any other values for that matter, will prevent kids from developing the confidence they need to navigate the world and confusion will take over certainty and peace.

There was obviously no conflict between the two religions when the parents fell in love with each other, so theoretically, there shouldn’t be any conflict once kids are in the picture. From my work with many couples, I can tell you that it is usually conflict that happens first and religion is just an excuse.

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Religion is central to a family’s relations, from the couples, to the children and to the society as well. Couples who uphold religious righteousness stand a better chance of coexisting more peacefully, with quality marriage life, and are less likely to experience such marital downsides as domestic violence and divorce.

Couples with higher levels of religiosity tend to invest more in their marriages, have a higher quality of marital life, a lower likelihood of divorce, and are less likely to be involved in incidents of domestic violence. More religious adolescents tend to have a higher expectation that they will be married and are more likely to disapprove of cohabitation and premarital sex.

Fathers who attend religious services frequently are more likely to be engaged with their infant children. Among fathers living in urban areas, those who more frequently attended religious services were more likely to be engaged in activities with their one-year-olds than peers who attended less frequently. Fathers who reduced the frequency of their religious attendance during the first year of their children’s lives became, on average, less engaged with their one-year-olds compared to peers who maintained their level of religious attendance.

Frequent church attendance is related to fidelity in marriage. Married individuals who attended religious services often were less likely to be unfaithful to their spouses than peers who attended less frequently.

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