5 Common Diseases In Horses

Horses can be afflicted by several skin diseases, including ringworm. Ringworms usually occur around the saddle, neck, head, and girth areas. They cause tufts of hair to fall off, leaving circular lesions and making the skin look crusty and scabby.

This fungal infection is contagious and can be spread through direct or indirect contact. Its therefore important to isolate any infected horse and adopt stricter hygiene measures.

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Tips On Being A Good Dog Walker

Professional dog walkers must love dogs, be sympathetic towards them as well as feel comfortable working with all breeds of dog and their owners too. You must also be able to handle dogs of different strengths and sizes and be fit enough to walk or run for long periods. You must also be able to handle dogs of different strengths and sizes and be fit enough to walk or run for long periods.

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Tips To Exercise Your Dog Safely

Do not let guilt or feelings of shame prevent you from Do not be offended should other people make comments. Simply say that your dog has started a weight loss management program and that you are starting it off by taking your dog for regular exercise. You could well be surprised as some people who may come across as very disapproving of your dog being overweight, could turn out to be some of your biggest supporters and allies in the long run.

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Horse Care 101

Grooming is another essential activity when caring for horses. It will keep your horse healthy and far from looking like a wild equine.

Their hooves need to be trimmed once every 6 to 8 weeks or else theyll grow too long. This will also prevent your horse from being uncomfortable.

Also, keep a grooming box with you that include these basic tools:

* Grooming mitt or curry comb

* Body brush

* Tail and mane comb

* Finishing brush

* Hoof pick

* Soft cloth or sponge

There are still a lot of things to consider when keeping a horse.

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