Tips On Being A Good Dog Walker

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To become a Certified Dog Walker, it is necessary to take courses from a dog walker school that is accredited. Some of the items covered in this course would be learning basic information about dogs, including their nutritional requirements as well as other recommendations regarding their health and well-being. You will also be shown how to administer first aid to dogs and how to handle dog leashes and restraints.

You will also be taught that you need to be aware of licensing requirements and also the laws relating to dogs. Certain cities set limits on the number of dogs one person is allowed to walk simultaneously. Laws pertaining to safe transportation, the reporting procedure for lost dogs as well as leash laws will also be covered.

If you decide to be a self-employed dog walker, you would need to apply for a business licence or acquire a permit for walking dogs in parks in the city. Liability insurance should also be applied for in case something happens to the dog or dogs you are walking.

Professional dog walkers must love dogs, be sympathetic towards them as well as feel comfortable working with all breeds of dog and their owners too. You must also be able to handle dogs of different strengths and sizes and be fit enough to walk or run for long periods.

Once you have qualified as a Dog Walker, you will unfortunately be unable to make excuses should the weather not be pleasant as come rain, snow or a very hot day, you will still be required to work.

You must ensure that when you head out with dogs that you always take bags for poo collection along so that you may dispose of any dog faeces neatly and cleanly. This will ensure that dogs aren’t banned from places designated for dogs to exercise and also allow other dog walkers to enjoy the open places if they aren’t spoilt by other inconsiderate dog walkers.

As a certified dog walker, it would be best to discuss with the dog’s owner what their veterinarian has advised regarding the amount of exercise their dog requires after which you could formulate an exercise routine for them. At times, you may wish to take two or three dogs out similtaneously for exercise depending on the breed and personality of each of the dogs as this could allow the dogs to play together ensuring more exercise activity.

A dog walker allows people who have no time to exercise their dog, to ensure that the dog exercises on a daily basis. As a dog walker, you could either take the dog you are exercising for a quick jog or a long walk or run depending on the amount of exercise that particular dog requires. Dogs require mental stimulation to prevent listlessness and boredom so it would be best if dogs are taken to a variety of different places for their exercise.

A dog walker must make sure that they always have complete control of their dog so as to stop it becoming a nuisance which could prevent the enjoyment of other dog owners or park users.